403-816-3944 info@emergecorp.co


Partnership Development

Build successful partnerships with First Nations, Metis Settlements & Associations, Inuit, and Indigenous peoples

Regulatory Consultation & Engagement

Complete Indigenous regulatory consultation and engagement programs in a manner that leads to long-term collaboration between proponents and impacted Indigenous Peoples, and reduces project delays

Economic & Business Involvement Program Development

Provide a framework for Indigenous Business Involvement, commercial capacity-building, and supply chain participation in proponent’s project or business

Negotiation of Benefit Agreements

Provide leadership in securing long-term Benefit Agreements tailored to each Indigenous Nation, yet with common components

Employment Framework & Training Programs

Provide an employment framework and training programs that Industry proponents can implement with Indigenous Nations to develop a workforce of trainees, employees, contract and professional staff for their projects

Equity Participation Strategies

Assess, develop, and implement Indigenous equity participation strategies to access government-backed capital for projects

Experience the Effectiveness & Efficiency of Partnering with Emerge Engagement Corp.